Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Divine Love Story...!!!

A Divine Couple - Lord Krishna and Radha Rani Posted by Picasa

"I am in every religion as the thread through a string of pearls.
Wherever thou seest extraordinary holiness
and extraordinary power raising and purifying humanity,
know thou that I am there."
Lord Krishna

A Divine Love Story...!!!

The relationship of Radha and Krishna is the embodiment of love, passion and devotion. Radha's passion for Krishna symbolizes the soul's intense longing and willingness for the ultimate unification with God. Radha's utterly rapturous love for Krishna and their relationship, symbolizes this quest for union. This kind of love is of the highest form of devotion, and is symbolically represented as the bond between the wife and husband or beloved and lover.

Krishna is not only the ultimate object of all love, but also is the topmost enjoyer of all loving relationships. Krishna has unlimited desires to enjoy spiritual loving relationships or pastimes. And so He expands Himself into the dual form of Krishna and Radha, His eternal consort. Radha is the feminine aspect of Lord Krishna. They fulfill the purpose of engaging in sublime loving pastimes to exhibit supremely transcendental loving exchanges.

The word Radha means the greatest worshiper of Krishna. All the Braja gopis love and give pleasure to Krishna. However, compared to Radha's ocean of love for Krishna, the other gopis are merely pools, ponds and rivers. As the ocean is the original source of all the water found in lakes and rivers, similarly the love found in the gopis, and in all the other devotees has its origin in Radha alone. Since Radha's love is the greatest, she gives the greatest pleasure to Krishna. Krishna enchants the whole world, but Radha enchants even Him.

Radha's love for Krishna is all consuming and compels her to ignore her family honor and disregard her husband. Their relationship develops on Krishna's captivating charm and aura of passion as Radha falls into a state of desire for this God. Radha is the soul; Krishna is the God. Krishna is the shaktiman - possessor of energy - and Radha is His shakti - energy. She is the female counterpart of the Godhead. She is the personification of the highest love of God, and by her mercy the soul is connected with the service and love of Krishna.

This is the tie that binds Krishna and Radha; erotic musical passion overrides the social and female responsibilities Radha is tied to and she relinquishes herself to her passionate affair with Krishna. Through their experience, the erotic, the carnal and the profane becomes but an aspect of the sublime, the spiritual and the divine.

The relationship between Radha and Krishna is the example of the highest and purest love, an indissoluble union of the highest intermingling and completion; it is also a love expressed through music.

Krishna represents the private life of the Absolute. In this relationship Love reigns supreme as Krishna surrenders to Radha. Krishna is lovestruck while Radha has taken over control. He has surrendered to the Power of Love. The supreme object of devotion, Krishna, worships the highest devotion, Radha. The zenith of Radha and Krishna's love affair is the circular dance of love which points to the highest potential of the soul.

1 comment:

Maia said...

This is a beautiful blog and I especially like the images.