Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Lord Krishna - Dancing Posted by Hello

1. om sri-krsnaya namah Om! Obeisance to the all-attractive Shri Krishna

2. om kamala-nathaya namah - the Lord of LakSmI, KamalA

3. om vasudevaya namah - the all-pervading Lord

4. om sanatanaya namah - the eternal Lord

5. om vasudevatmajaya namah - the son of Vasudeva

6. om punyaya namah - who is consummate piety

7. om lila-manusa-vigrahaya namah - who enacts pastimes of humanlike form

8. om srivatsa-kaustubha-dharaya namah - bearer of ShrIvatsa and kaustubha

9. om yasoda-vatsalaya namah - the object of YazodA's maternal affections

10. om haraye namah - Hari, who takes away

11. om caturbhujatta-cakrasi-gada-sankhambujayudhaya namah - in whose four hands are the wheel, club, conch, and lotus weapons

12. om devaki-nandanaya namah - delight/son of DevakI

13. om srisaya namah - Lord of ZrI (LakSmI)

14. om nanda-gopa-priyatmajaya namah - dear son of the cowherd Nanda

15. om yamuna-vega-samharine namah - who checked the flow of the YamunA

16. om balabhadra-priyanujaya namah - dear younger brother of Balabhadra

17. om putana-jivita-haraya namah - who tookm the life of PUtanA

18. om sakatasura-bhanjanaya namah - who decimated the cart demon (ZakaTAsura)

19. om nanda-vraja-jananandine namah - delighter of Nanda & the other people of Vraja

20. om sac-cid-ananda-vigrahaya namah - whose body is being, cognizance, and bliss

21. om navanita-viliptangaya namah - whose limbs are smeared with fresh butter

22. om navanita-nataya namah - who dances for butter

23. om anaghaya namah - about whom nothing is impure or repulsive

24. om navanita-navaharaya namah - whose first food was fresh butter

25. om mucukunda-prasadakaya namah - who graced Mucukunda

26. om sodasa-stri-sahasresaya namah - Lord of 16,000 women

27. om tribhangi-madhurakrtaye namah - the sweet, threefold-bending form

28. om suka-vag-amrtabdhindave namah - the moon (produced out of) of the nectar-ocean of Zukadeva GosvAmi's words

29. om govindaya namah - who pleases His cows, land & senses

30. om yoginam pataye namah - Lord of the yogIs

31. om vatsa-palana-sancarine namah - who goes about caring for calves

32. om anantaya namah - the unlimited

33. om dhenukasura-mardanaya namah - who beat up the ass-demon DhenukAsura

34. om trni-krta-trnavartaya namah - who made short work of the whirlwind TRNAvarta

35. om yamalarjuna-bhajanaya namah - who broke the two Arjuna trees

36. om uttala-tala-bhetre namah - who broke all the big, tAla trees (killing Dhenuka)

37. om tamala-syamalakrtaye namah - who is blackish like a TamAla tree

38. om gopa-gopisvaraya namah - Lord of the gopas and gopIs

39. om yogine namah - the YogI

40. om koti-surya-sama-prabhaya namah - bright as millions of suns

41. om ilapataye namah - Lord of IlA, the earth

42. om parasmai jyotise namah - the Supreme light

43. om yadavendraya namah - king of the Yadu clan

44. om yadu-dvahaya namah - the preeminent leader of the Yadus

45. om vanamaline namah - wearing a garland of forest flowers

46. om pita-vasase namah - wearing yellow garments

47. om parijatapaharakaya namah - who stole the parijAta flower

48. om govardhanacaloddhartre namah - who held up the Govardhana mountain

49. om gopalaya namah - protector of cows, GopAla

50. om sarva-palakaya namah - protector of everything

51. om ajaya namah - birthless

52. om niranjanaya namah - the unblemished Lord

53. om kama-janakaya namah - who incites the gopIs desires

54. om kanja-locanaya namah - lotus-eyed

55. om madhughne namah - slayer of the demon Madhu

56. om mathura-nathaya namah - Lord of MathurA

57. om dvaraka-nayakaya namah - the hero of DvArakA

58. om baline namah - the strong Lord

59. om vrndavananta-sancarine namah - who loiters about the outskirts of VRndAvana

60. om tulasi-dama-bhusanaya namah - who wears a TulasI garland

61. om syamantaka-maner hartre namah - who appropriated the SyAmantaka jewel

62. om nara-narayanatmakaya namah - the selfsame Nara-nArAyaNa

63. om kubjakrstambara-dharaya namah - who bears the sandal paste taken from KubjA

64. om mayine namah - magician, master of MAyA

65. om parama-purusaya namah - Supreme person

66. om mustikasura-canura-malla-yuddha-visaradaya namah - who expertly fought the wrestlers MuSTika & CANUra

67. om samsara-vairine namah - enemy of material existence

68. om kamsaraye namah - KaMsa's enemy

69. om muraraye namah - Mura's enemy

70. om narakantakaya namah - who dispensed the demon Naraka

71. om anadi-brahmacarine namah - the eternal brahmacArI

72. om krsnavyasana-karsakaya namah - KRSNa, who draws one away from attachment to vice

73. om sisupala-siras-chetre namah - who split the nhead of ZizupAla

74. om duryodhana-kulantakaya namah - who ended the dynasty of Duryodhana

75. om vidurakrura-varadaya namah - who benedicted Vidura & AkrUra

76. om visvarupa-pradarsakaya namah - who displayed the universal form

77. om satya-vace namah - who speaks the truth

78. om satya-sankalpaya namah - whose determination is fact

79. om satyabhama-rataya namah - who is predisposed toward SatyabhAmA

80. om jayine namah - the conqueror

81. om subhadra-purvajaya namah - who appeared before SubhadrA

82. om visnave namah - Lord ViSNu

83. om bhisma-mukti-pradayakaya namah - who gave liberation to BhISma

84. om jagad-gurave namah - preceptor of the worlds

85. om jagannathaya namah - Lord of the universe

86. om venu-nada-saradaya namah - expert in playing His flute

87. om vrsabhasura-vidhvamsine namah - who destroyed the demon VRSabhAsura

88. om banasura-karantakaya namah - who vanquished BANAsura's arms

89. om yudhisthira-pratisthatre namah - who installed King YudhiSThira

90. om barhi-varhavatamsakaya namah - whose crest is decorated with peacock feathers

91. om parthasarathaye namah - charioteer of PArtha (Arjuna)

92. om avyaktaya namah - the Unmanifest

93. om gitamrta-mahodadhaye namah - great nectar-ocean of gItA

94. om kaliya-phani-manikya-ranjita-sri-padambujaya namah - whose beautiful lotus feet danced on the jeweled hoods of the KAliya serpent.

95. om damodaraya namah - bound up at the waist

96. om yajna-bhoktre namah - the enjoyer of (everyone else's) sacrifices

97. om danavendra-vinasakaya namah - destroyer of the leading demons

98. om narayanaya namah - Lord NArAyaNa, ViSNu

99. om para-brahmane namah - the Supreme absolute Truth

100. om pannagasana-vahanaya namah - whose mount (GaruDa) devours snakes

101. om jala-kridasamasakta-gopi-vastrapaharakaya namah - who stole the gopIs clothing while they played in the water

102. om punya-slokaya namah - whose poetic depictions are virtuous

103. om tirtha-karaya namah - creator of holy places

104. om veda-vedyaya namah - the Vedas, and what is known by them

105. om daya-nidhaye namah - repository of compassion

106. om sarva-bhutatmakaya namah - the self of all created beings

107. om sarva-graha-rupine namah - the form of everyone's fate

108. om parat-paraya namah - transcendental even to the transcendental